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Sunday Service: 11 AM
Wed. Korean Service: 7 PM
Wed. English Bible Study: 7 PM
Early Morning Service: 6 AM (Tue-Fri)
주일예배: 오전 11시
수요예배: 오후 7시
남선교 수요 성경공부: 오후 7시
여선교 목요 성경공부: 오전 10시
​새벽예배: 오전 6:00 (화-금)

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We are currently looking for  a bilingual pastor to shepherd out congregation.  Plesase see the announcement below and contact us if you are interested.

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"until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ."

Ephesians 4:13  NIV

Bible-rooted, Christ centered, Family-oriented, Independent-Reformed, American & Korean Congregation

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